Wednesday, May 31, 2006
If I Love You Now:V1:If I love you now-I will lose my wings-I won't fly in clouds-I won't be so free-If I love you now-You'll take part of me--C:She did wait for me-so patiently-and finally she grew-to know defeat-but somehow it's I- who longs today-and looks within for then-when life was sweet--V2:Flee I said to love-and love went away-I don't fly in clouds-I'm so free today-for I love her now-but now it's too late--C:--V1:--Copyright1993Delbert W Allegood
Saturday, May 27, 2006
On recent capitol events
Perhaps the corruption is more wide spread at the highest levels of our government than I had believed.I wonder how much incriminating evidence is being disapeared from washington offices this weekend;just in case.Eliteism is still at work.We grow ever more like what our fathers rejected,to form this nation.We have our executive and legislative members failing to represent us and telling us what laws they will not be subject to,unlike the rest of us. Does the executive branch have fears that if they let the evidence be pursued in the capitol they could be next;or that congress might start doing its job in representing the people? No wonder our government has so little problem in dealing with royalty and dictatorships on behalf of corporations.they've become much like them!Delbert W Allegood NPUBLICI
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Changing Mexico
Sending large numbers of mexicans home who have been,illegaly, living in the US,could force drastic changes in mexican government and society.Judging from what I have seen of aggressive attitudes,the demanding of rights which don't exist, the willingness to risk imprisonment for what they want to do,the ability to attract allies in a proven untenable cause and the lack of respect for the working people of a foriegn country,the US,these people should do well in effecting change in their own country.Perhaps that is a reason Mexico doesn't want them to come back and our elite who profit from a weak Mexico,want them to stay here.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Prosecute Crooks Hiring ILegal Workers
The fact that virtually nothing is being done,to punish the employers of illegal workers,is as strong a proof, as any ever brought to light,of the corrupt relationship our government has with business in America.I believe it is practical,expedient and moraly just to catch,identify,fingerprint and release illegal workers with a warning to leave our country and that a second violation will bring imprisonment and deportation.Business should be punished for hiring illegal workers, as they are for not paying taxes.Individualy responsible corporate officers should be charged with the crime,not just the corporation.Corporations, collectivly, only have the organized,mindless pursuit of maximum profit as an agenda.Rules,regulations,laws and morality are only seen as negotiable impediments to that agenda.They are to be pushed,bent,broken and ignored,then argued about in court later.Under these conditions,only the stockholders and customer will suffer.If the going gets too tough,the corporate officers will just reward themselves for their corruption and go elsewhere to destroy.There is no excuse for not pursuing employers.There are blatant violators.Government knows who most of them are,because most of them have been reported by citizens,to the government.What has been described as a compromise,is only the original agenda to artificially hold wages down.There is no compromise about the people who are already here illegaly.I pray that our enemies are not among them.Since the people,who want to legitimize this latest illegality,can't find a word to use with immigrant,migrant and worker,which doesn't actually indicate illegality,they have stopped using the definatives,and use the words alone,as though they needed no definative companion.From the president, on down,polititions and sympathizers are talking to the people of the USA,as though they were all fools.Talking about the communist lie!Delbert W Allegood npublici
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Forever a child,a song about a five year old discovering downs syndrome
Forever A Child:What's the matter with Amy-can't she come out and play with me-she seems just like my other friends-though she is big I see--What's the matter with Amy-I miss her so when she's away-is her school like my own at all-does she know how to pray--C:I told the five year old-all one can say and live-I searched inside my soul-and found these words to give--There's nothing wrong with Amy-that God himself won't cure-We're only here A while-this thing we can endure-There's nothing wrong with Amy-but she's forever A child--V:What's the matter with Amy-I've heard it all her life you see-it doesn't hurt me if you ask-it doesn't hurt Amy--What's the matter with Amy-when she's so full of love of life-and she loves as no other child-without A trace of strife--C:--Copyright1993Delbert W. Allegood
Dying newspapers with no clue
Dying newspapers are not catching on.While they are losing circulation and losing revelance,the internet and podcasting are replacing them.Since the USA began,newspapers have had great power,in warping the way people saw politicly.The free flow of thought and the almost instant repudiation of lies by sources proven to be credible from past experience,are a sure fire antidote to the attempts of newspaper managers to unduly influence our political system.Some refuse to be involved in the net,with the mistaken belief that their disdain for the opinions of bloggers and podcasters,should be evidence of their superior journalism.Some believe they can hold on to the singular power they once had.Attempts at adjusting to the technology are,for the most part,lame.The same old habits, brought forth to function on the web,don't play as well on the web as on paper.Refusing to list some readers blogs,in the same old way editors have controlled letters to the editor,usually results in more bad publicity than a contary opinion would have caused.The blogger/podcaster still has recourse,he doesn't have to run to another newspaper and beg them to hear him or to counter the other newspaper.There are other items of terrible attempts at adjustment,which are blatantly obvious upon comparision,especially on newspaper websites.Delbert W Allegood npublici
Monday, May 15, 2006
No leaders, only followers
So far,no one has been placed forward, by the two party oriented worldcorp media,who is qualified to lead the people of the U.S.A.. I see nothing but worldcorp yes men and boot lickers for special interests.Democrats and republicans, same old corrupt grind.The people have no candidate,only choices of, perhaps, lesser evils.Where are the leaders of this country?Where are the reformers of these corrupt election and legislation processes.Where are the leaders of the people, who will enforce the laws we have, instead of performing smoke and mirror acts with fake posturing and passing new sets of laws,which will never be enforced, if their special interests complain?Delbert W.Allegood npublici
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Whose plan?
How sadly ironic it is, that our government,which for many years,financed and encouraged, the poor of america, to kill their children,before they could be born,is now encouraging illegal immigration.We even exported and financed modern mass,cheap killing techniques,to places like china.Abortion was touted as necessary population control,because of world overcrowding.Models of great certainty were espoused,which showed world starvation at the population levels we now have.There was a great urgency to see that as many as possible were killed.Many of the same people are trying to lay guilt trips on those of us who value soverienty and the rule of law,so that we may increase the legal population of the USA.Let's see,thirty to fourty million children killed,which would have been born into poor American families,replaced by illegal border crossing poor people from mexico(who generally don't kill their children)who want a wage increase,but will stay,legaly,if thats the only way they can continue to get it.Sounds like a plan to me.Cheap labor for the elite economy and diversity and foriegn interest appeasment for the embrace everything elite.Whose plan? whose punishment?Delbert W Allegood npublici
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Weird,Ghoulish conjecture
These past few weeks I have heard and read many twisted logic,inane statements by many people as to why working citizens should just fall over, for someone from another country, to take their jobs and run their wages down.Famous people have been quoted,some of them communist butchers.Prominent civil rights heros have, many times,been mentioned.The value of a man,sweat,labor,dignity and basic inalienable human rights have all been used as arguments.I agree with all of them.These are all a part of our constitution,bill of rights,laws,rules and regulations.They were designed to speak to who governs,how and what the rights of all citizens and visitors are.The ill informed,ignorant and uneducated from other countries can be excused.The truth twisting,self serving lies coming out of the mouths of polititions and corporate management are reprehensible.The "pulling for MY race,in your face"racists and one race vote getters, are making some aggressive and outrageous statements showing their true value of and appreciation for the citizens of the USA.I would like to respond to every one of these leaders of foreign and corporate interests,but I will choose one.I would like to remind Democrat Richard Alarcon of Van nuys that the Boston tea party ,he refered to, as argument for his cause,was about taxation without representation and resulted in the violent overthrow of the government.Such is the case now.With the republicans,it is about the "economy".Whose economy? Certainly not the one of the real world,where citizens of the USA work and struggle.I believe they refer to the inverted funnel,where the labor of many,funnels up to the few,who hold the strings to manipulate governments.Delbert W Allegood npublici
Monday, May 01, 2006
#1-No entity,except single,private citizens of the U.S. may contribute to political candidates or parties.#2-There shall be no right of private citizens to donate to a political candidate or party through any representative.#3-No private person shall be able to deduct more than $100.of federal income taxes,for having donated to a candidate or party.#4-private citizens may donate any amount of their own taxable income to any candidate or party.#5-No money shall originate,for donation purposes,from any third party,for a private citizen to donate#6-No funds, from a nontaxable fund,may be used for any political purpose,without first having the tax rate of the private individual applied to the funds.#7-Any entity may donate to general election funds,federal,state,district,or local,in any amount,which may be deducted from that entities owed taxes,dollar for dollar.#8-All government entities shall provide voters with proof of having voted,before leaving a polling area.#9-Any single,private person shall be allowed to deduct $100.from his owed federal income taxes,upon furnishing proof of having voted in local,state,district and federal elections, in which he was eligible to vote.dELBERT w aLLEGOOD NPUBLICI