Attack The Problem,Not the symptoms
Reading letters to the editor,and story after story in the nations newspapers,reminds me of a large,greedy animal,standing at the feed trough,eating the food of smaller animals,who nip at heels and complain,but have no real plan to claim the food that is rightfully theirs,from the large animal which eats voraciously,produces waste and grows ever larger and more powerful.As the large animal becomes more powerful,it easily crashes gates.pushes over fences,and fords deep water,to devour what it will.The large greedy animal is worldcorp.The smaller animals are private citizens.The waste is what is being perpetrated on the people of the world,portrayed as democracy and free trade.The democracy is business owned and the free trade means that the people running it, are free to enslave the entire world.The people are yipping at the symptoms,wanting this and that stopped,this and that considered, about various subjects of the time,while the large beast ignores them and keeps on eating.All the while those who bring the feed are happy that the people are ignoring the fact that the problems would be solved by jumping in the feed trough and enmass, attacking head on, that which is feeding.Cut off all organized money to government,completely.Permit only private money to elect.Permit tax deductions on only a minimal amount of contributions.Permit no transferance of any value to any in the service of government,from any source.Permit generous tax deductions to organizations,and private citizens, who contribute to general election funds,available to all.Have general election funds provide for media coverage of speeches,statements and debates.Permit no statement or advertizement,in which an explaination of reasoning, in how the statement was arrived at,is not provided.Permit no media advertizement two weeks before any election.Permit no one to be employed by, contract to, or represent to government,any organization or persons he has regulated,voted on or otherwise controlled,in a value of one hundred thousand dollars or more ,for a five year period.Our leaders have and do show us that they can not be trusted with too much power.It is long past the time it should have been done.The apathetic sicken me, when they say there is nothing they can do.I especially disdain the ones who don't vote or will only vote for those who the corrupt media tout as winners.If power cannot be wrested from money and corruption by electoral means,it can be done by referendum.Americans have no excuse, for waiting until it is nesessary, to Take to the streets with weapons, to kill our leaders,as it is in some other countries.The time is now and it is getting late.NPUBLICI
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