Hispanic Racism
I have heard insulting statements from many people directed at those of us who oppose illegal immigration.U.S. citizens who want their government to enforce the laws which have been put in place by their representative government are being called all sorts of vulgar names,including racist.It is being stated by national and state government officials,corporate heads,organizational leaders,journalists and sundry others,that people opposing illegal immigration are racists.Quite often the reverse is actually true. If you are pushing for your own race, who are illegal, over the objections of citizens who want their laws enforced,you are a racist.This has already been well established during the struggle for civil rights for African-American citizens.The white 'good old boys",who sat comfortably on their front porches,and would have never hurt any one,but still felt justified in many acts of discrimination against black people were found to be racists and are still thought of as racists.The subtle and insidious come greatly into play in this type of warfare,during this latest quest for cheap labor, at any cost, borne by working Americans.I believe that people of distinct races,such as Mel Martinez,who represent the interests of their race instead of the interests of the working people who elected them,are racists.As surely as the "good old boys were,and are,so,also, they are racists.NPUBLICI
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