I do not believe we should have stayed in Iraq,past the time when Saddam Hussein was captured;if indeed, we should have gone there in the first place.The governing of Iraq should have ,long ago,been left to the Iraqis It is not a good idea to try to force our capitalistic,quasi democratic government on a people who have been victimized by our capitalists,draining their resources,and supporting despotic rulers who facilitated that plunder.The people of other countries whom have suffered far worse than any U.S. citizen,from unfettered capitalism,understand very well that money would be the only power in a copy of our form of government.In addition,the only thing Muslims want less than a rival faction of branched Islam to have any power,is an atmosphere where other beliefs would have equality before their government.Only a crushing blow,such as that delivered to Japan,at the end ofWW2,would change that veiw.Not many sane people would want that.I believed that,perhaps there was an arguement for attacking Iraq,based on the information given to me by my government.The most important segment of that, was the alqieda camp which Saddam allowed within his borders.After the war began I heard nothing more about it. Other reasons given for the war seem to have,in fact, no basis now.I do not know.I may never know.Many things are held secret from me.Even things which happened during our civil war are classified information.Things which were public information,have now been reclassified.I hope we can trust our elected governments integrity.I would rather trust people who claim to worship God and try to support his principals,than people who support sexual deviancy and the killing of unborn children.I have seen both worlds and know the folly of Godlessness.There is no eternal wisdom given to the Godless. NPUBLICI
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