Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dying newspapers with no clue

Dying newspapers are not catching on.While they are losing circulation and losing revelance,the internet and podcasting are replacing them.Since the USA began,newspapers have had great power,in warping the way people saw politicly.The free flow of thought and the almost instant repudiation of lies by sources proven to be credible from past experience,are a sure fire antidote to the attempts of newspaper managers to unduly influence our political system.Some refuse to be involved in the net,with the mistaken belief that their disdain for the opinions of bloggers and podcasters,should be evidence of their superior journalism.Some believe they can hold on to the singular power they once had.Attempts at adjusting to the technology are,for the most part,lame.The same old habits, brought forth to function on the web,don't play as well on the web as on paper.Refusing to list some readers blogs,in the same old way editors have controlled letters to the editor,usually results in more bad publicity than a contary opinion would have caused.The blogger/podcaster still has recourse,he doesn't have to run to another newspaper and beg them to hear him or to counter the other newspaper.There are other items of terrible attempts at adjustment,which are blatantly obvious upon comparision,especially on newspaper websites.Delbert W Allegood npublici


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