No reason for new laws against poor people.
We just need to enforce our laws against business,the rich and the powerful.Labor goes where there are jobs waiting for them.This would take care of most of the ridiculous infiltration of illegal entrants into our labor pool.There is little justifiable reason to arrest the father of a family and leave his family stranded.More than enough of that is already done in this country to poor citizens,for relatively minor transgressions of elitist law.When business starts paying for it's illegal activity,all else will fall into place.There is no reason to be unkind to anyone who is being victimized by their own country,then by the U.S.A.,for failing to protect them against exploitation.How much faith do I place in this being done?Most likely,there will be a showing of enforcement against smaller,less powerful blatant violators who don't use the subcontractor ruse. There will be terrible mistreatment of the poor,a slowing of the show and new efforts to pull more of the same over on working American citizens.Delbert W. Allegood npublici see also
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