Free market, Let the market determine,less government,actually,let the rich determine.
The capitalist model which dictates that in this country,the labor market must be undermined by the purposeful allowance of illegal entrants,is rapidly pushing this nation toward a nation of the very rich and the very poor.+++The capitalist model,which dictates that in mexico,the few immensely rich,must pay the many,nothing for their labor and share nothing of its great natural and created wealth with its people;has the commonfolk fleeing to the US, which the rich of mexico,the corporations and the governments of both countries approve of.+++Venezuela,under Hugo Chavez,has been sharing the wealth of Venezuela with its common folk.So, the corporations want him dead and the government overthrown.The corporations want the venezuelan government patterned after Mexico and the US,so they can control it with money.They may succeed.There are many accusations against our government.It would not be the first time our CIA thwarted a corporate unfriendly democracy and put a puppet in place,who pounded the people of those countries into the dust for worldcorp.You will not see the truth in the newspapers or hear it over the airwaves.These are owned by worldcorp,which has tentacles everywhere.They are working hard to own and control the internet.That way, you will surely have as much freedom of speech, as you can afford-as long as it has corporate approval.Delbert W. Allegood npublici
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