Sunday, May 14, 2006

Whose plan?

How sadly ironic it is, that our government,which for many years,financed and encouraged, the poor of america, to kill their children,before they could be born,is now encouraging illegal immigration.We even exported and financed modern mass,cheap killing techniques,to places like china.Abortion was touted as necessary population control,because of world overcrowding.Models of great certainty were espoused,which showed world starvation at the population levels we now have.There was a great urgency to see that as many as possible were killed.Many of the same people are trying to lay guilt trips on those of us who value soverienty and the rule of law,so that we may increase the legal population of the USA.Let's see,thirty to fourty million children killed,which would have been born into poor American families,replaced by illegal border crossing poor people from mexico(who generally don't kill their children)who want a wage increase,but will stay,legaly,if thats the only way they can continue to get it.Sounds like a plan to me.Cheap labor for the elite economy and diversity and foriegn interest appeasment for the embrace everything elite.Whose plan? whose punishment?Delbert W Allegood npublici


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