Prosecute Crooks Hiring ILegal Workers
The fact that virtually nothing is being done,to punish the employers of illegal workers,is as strong a proof, as any ever brought to light,of the corrupt relationship our government has with business in America.I believe it is practical,expedient and moraly just to catch,identify,fingerprint and release illegal workers with a warning to leave our country and that a second violation will bring imprisonment and deportation.Business should be punished for hiring illegal workers, as they are for not paying taxes.Individualy responsible corporate officers should be charged with the crime,not just the corporation.Corporations, collectivly, only have the organized,mindless pursuit of maximum profit as an agenda.Rules,regulations,laws and morality are only seen as negotiable impediments to that agenda.They are to be pushed,bent,broken and ignored,then argued about in court later.Under these conditions,only the stockholders and customer will suffer.If the going gets too tough,the corporate officers will just reward themselves for their corruption and go elsewhere to destroy.There is no excuse for not pursuing employers.There are blatant violators.Government knows who most of them are,because most of them have been reported by citizens,to the government.What has been described as a compromise,is only the original agenda to artificially hold wages down.There is no compromise about the people who are already here illegaly.I pray that our enemies are not among them.Since the people,who want to legitimize this latest illegality,can't find a word to use with immigrant,migrant and worker,which doesn't actually indicate illegality,they have stopped using the definatives,and use the words alone,as though they needed no definative companion.From the president, on down,polititions and sympathizers are talking to the people of the USA,as though they were all fools.Talking about the communist lie!Delbert W Allegood npublici
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