20 Thousand Troops
Subjugation or pacification of the populace is required in every occupation of one nation by another.Whether or not the occupier views itself as benevolent is of no consequence.There will always be those who will violently oppose occupiers.There will always be those who take advantage of the disorganization of post war conditions and violently oppose those of their countrymen who disagree with them politically,in their struggle for power.Light and fast has long been proven the most effective offense of war,but unless the civilians of a country are beaten down,shellshocked,devastated,demoralized,and made hungry by such a force employing overwhelming power,disreguarding the effect on civilians,then the light and fast force must immediately within days,be supplanted by the huge number of troops required to seal borders,search buildings and grounds,maintain order and provide intelligence and other necessary interface with the civilian population.There is little information about hidden arms,or any other secret held by a person or groups which will be given to an occupier which can provide little protection or hope of prevailing and providing a favorable, secure,stable atmosphere for the future.Huge numbers of military police,medics,technology for weapons searches and their operators,infantry and armor for border guarding and internal security,must all be supported by a large based pyramid of support troops.The money making scheme of war,where a light and fast military is supplied and management and logistics provided by worldcorp organizations,which are chosen according to who supplies the most money to polititions,becomes untenable immediately upon the completion of a light and fast sweep through a nation.It must be followed by an adequate force.This number would have been well toward half a million troops,in the case of Iraq. To suggest that twenty thousand troops can now accomplish anything toward a realistic control of the situation is an already failed concept.What twenty thousand troops will provide is a very small amount of time for the Iraqis to wake up and forgo killing each other,in order to function as a democracy and it will provide more fodder for the scythe of alquieda and everyone else who hates America.I am extremely pessimistic about anything even approaching success in preventing the Iraqis from killing each other at this point,with that small a force.We have permitted the killing with our skeleton crew occupation and I believe the Iraqis want to kill in revenge more than they want a nation.NPUBLICI
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