Thursday, April 27, 2006

Letters to the editor process rectification

I propose websites for key areas of the U.S.,such as California bay area, Tampa bay area,NycNy and others which would recieve letters, sent to the editors of major daily media covering those areas and nationaly.The sites would, after 24hrs, publish the letters and the name of the media it was sent to.


When I read and hear all the nonsense the rhetoric spinners are spewing,I get nauseated.These jokers make so much money pontificating and saying see,I told you so,that one would think they could actually address the oil companies rip off of the American people.All it would take is high enough rewards for whistle blowing.The people who could actually bare the lies make so much money that it would take a lot to tempt them.But,oh yes,it certainly would work.That's why it won't be done.Why do you suppose the energy meetings were secret? Besides all that,if you fill your tank you pay for hauling around the weight of a full tank.This can be substantial in some cars.If you fill up once or twice a week it doesn't take much labor to serve you.If you put small amounts in, more often, station labor goes up,profits go down.This could become overwhelming if enough people chose to target only oil company owned stations.If independently owned stations were targeted it would only run the owner out of business.Then the oil company would have that level of profit also.If you buy your fuel from the beautifuly lit and decorated company stations,you are paying for fluff as well as providing an extra level of profit to a business which has run most of its own independent owner customers out of business.If you buy their grossly over priced food,beverages and tony little boutique items,you provide them with an even greater profit.It costs money for lights, bathroom flushes, additional labor and other overhead items which increase with traffic frequency.Every time the door is opened it lets out air conditioning.As far as the crude prices are concerned the oil producing countries know what our money will buy and they aren't under our governments oppressive thumb like american labor is.Delbert W Allegood npublici

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My World,A painting of words

My World:Meadow green yellow bright-Come with me stay tonight-Rolling sea faithful light-Come with me when I fly--Yellow fields glistning grain-Windswept hills gentle rain-Come with me be my love-Quell the tears still the pain--C:Be my own love take me to you-love me as your love love me in truth-Take me on high love to touch the clouds-Come let us fly love please love me now--V:Summers scenes mountains high-Humming bird butterfly-Purple sun evenings light-Touch my heart with your eyes--Graceful wings soft in flight-heartbeat strings played tonight-Share with me I'm alive-Dare be free in your life--C:--Copyright1992Delbert W Allegood npublici

Friday, April 21, 2006

No reason for new laws against poor people.

We just need to enforce our laws against business,the rich and the powerful.Labor goes where there are jobs waiting for them.This would take care of most of the ridiculous infiltration of illegal entrants into our labor pool.There is little justifiable reason to arrest the father of a family and leave his family stranded.More than enough of that is already done in this country to poor citizens,for relatively minor transgressions of elitist law.When business starts paying for it's illegal activity,all else will fall into place.There is no reason to be unkind to anyone who is being victimized by their own country,then by the U.S.A.,for failing to protect them against exploitation.How much faith do I place in this being done?Most likely,there will be a showing of enforcement against smaller,less powerful blatant violators who don't use the subcontractor ruse. There will be terrible mistreatment of the poor,a slowing of the show and new efforts to pull more of the same over on working American citizens.Delbert W. Allegood npublici see also

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's the same old story.

The republicans are responding to their masters,the business people,who are their friends and supporters.The democrats are taking the part of anything but the values of mainstream America and trying to use race,poverty,religion and historical civil rights issues and figures against those of us who just want what we went to war for,worked for,and our fathers worked for,what we remained at peace with each other for,what we voted for and what is rightfully ours.Both parties are getting what they want.Working citizens are getting ignored.The republicans claim they are responding with compassionate conservatism,to the appeals of democrats.The democrats are responding to the desires of business for the republicans and to generate business support for themselves.The citizens of mexico have more influence on my government than I do.I couldn't even get them to keep their promises of free health care and compensation for damage caused by war.Some one can enter this country illegaly,take work away from me,cause me to pay high uninsured motorist insurance, high taxes to support their lack of responsibility to society here,send their kids to school at no cost,even requiring us to supply interpreters,shortchanging my medical insurance is in danger of being withdrawn,because citizens and insurance on citizens are paying for those who can't pay.They can't pay, because heartless business is paying them starvation wages.Of course if you're illegal and complain,that would be the only time business would be interested in immigration law.Social security is fast fading because of artificialy low wages and the elitist idea that there should be any limit on income as to who should pay.Infrastructure is crumbling all over America.Most governmental offices are understaffed and under funded.Like the labor hating corporations,government has been trying to wring the last ounce of energy from every employee,giving them the additional duties of retired or fired employees and like worldcorp,requiring them to smile when facing the public.I have noticed people in governmental offices begginning to look like the billboard,sign plastered big box employees.You can see the desperation and misery past the "business"smile.There are so many things that the current elitist philosophy of artificially induced low wages and the hatred of labor,are adversely affecting,that it would take a book to describe them.I am a songwriter,not an author of commentary.I am,however,not at all pleased with the direction my homeland has taken,because of the undue influence of business on government and the corruption of government,that it can be so influenced.Delbert W. Allegood

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Free market, Let the market determine,less government,actually,let the rich determine.

The capitalist model which dictates that in this country,the labor market must be undermined by the purposeful allowance of illegal entrants,is rapidly pushing this nation toward a nation of the very rich and the very poor.+++The capitalist model,which dictates that in mexico,the few immensely rich,must pay the many,nothing for their labor and share nothing of its great natural and created wealth with its people;has the commonfolk fleeing to the US, which the rich of mexico,the corporations and the governments of both countries approve of.+++Venezuela,under Hugo Chavez,has been sharing the wealth of Venezuela with its common folk.So, the corporations want him dead and the government overthrown.The corporations want the venezuelan government patterned after Mexico and the US,so they can control it with money.They may succeed.There are many accusations against our government.It would not be the first time our CIA thwarted a corporate unfriendly democracy and put a puppet in place,who pounded the people of those countries into the dust for worldcorp.You will not see the truth in the newspapers or hear it over the airwaves.These are owned by worldcorp,which has tentacles everywhere.They are working hard to own and control the internet.That way, you will surely have as much freedom of speech, as you can afford-as long as it has corporate approval.Delbert W. Allegood npublici

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Truth?Honesty?Decency?Democracy?No! Bidness as usual.

The very fact that illegal entrants are marching in our streets,to protest having to obey our laws,with total impunity,is certainly enough evidence of the intent of our US government leaders and who they respond to. Unfolding in front of you,in the near future will be,the production called "corporate government at work" It has long been known and agreed to, what would be done to portray representative democracy.All the ploys between rhetoric spewing opposing parties,is an understood thing,with understood limits,protocols and unwritten rules.If they do that, we'll have to do this, to appear that way.We can't(our rich backers said no)do anything ,but we must appear to be doing what each facet of our constituancy wants.Delbert W. Allegood

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The pathetic clowns we have elected

Instead of actually doing something to reverse the flow of illegal immigrants,some of the clowns we have elected are proposing draconian measures.They know how unlikely these bills are to pass.This gives the appearance of"doing something"to gullible people,of which there are many.(If you are apathetic and uninvolved you are vulnerable.)Because of this common political practice,we are becomeing a nation of felons.If such a bill should pass,no corporation would ever really suffer.No corporate officers would be charged with the crime.Corporations were created for these purposes.We already have more than enough felony chargable, minor infraction laws on the books,all over this nation.One effective method to keep people who disagree with you from voting.Delbert W Allegood