Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tiananmen Square,a song about a brave man

Tiananmen Square:As he walked into the pages-0f the history he wrote-he would die for his love China-or he would live to see the vote--He never felt he was a hero-and he'd say I'm just a man-give these things to my poor mother-if I should die for freedoms stand--As he stood in front of metal-which was larger than his home-he did stand for his love China-and he stood to lose all he owned--C:The blood runs deep from the heros veins-while the world has watched and cared-still we wait for the end of the tyrants reign-while the heros die in Tiananmen Square--V:Greater is love than the soldiers-with the medals on their chests-who are cited for their courage-while he just gave his very best--Greater is love than a mans life-that he would lay his own life down-to free the people of his country-and all the world has see it now--He would stand to block the passage-He would stand exposing lies-He would shame the armored soldiers-and he would show us China cries--Copyright1993Delbert W.Allegood There are those of us with concerns other than the bottom line.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Children of the dream,a song about mlk jr

Children of the dream:He came from modest circumstance- but he could see much far advanced-and God gave him a special chance-to build a world enhanced--He moved around from town to town-with gentleness he told us how-someone fin'lly put him down-if he could only see us now--C:Some of us were there to see-the man who had such dignity-He left us love as legacy-and we're all children of the dream--He was strong when we were weak-He sized the prize that we would seek-He drew his strength at Jesus' feet-and we're all children of the dream--V:He wanted true equality-He prayed for peace for you and me-He died believing he would see-this nation truely free--He hoped to see his children play-with other children other days-in the colors of the rays-and may his own light never fade--C:--V:He came up to the mountains peak-to never see his dreams come true-He suffered from the eagles beak-but he would shine when he'd speak--C:--Copyright1999Delbert W. Allegood. also blogsearch.google.com and search npublici or whowhatim

Letters She Believes,a song about americans bilking the elderly via tricky mail

Letters She Believes:She looks at the magazines-stacked in the corner by the door-she thinks she'll have to buy to win-and all of the things she's bought-trying to make the latest score--C:she's ninety years old- and they send her the letters she believes-She'll win it for sure one day-and she'll buy all the food she can eat--She's ninty years old-and the send her the letters she believes-She trusts that the government-would never allow them to decieve--She gives little presents to-the people she thinks will give her food-the junk that comes in all her mail-she tells them she's quitting soon-trying once more she couldn't fail--C:--Copyright1997Delbert W Allegood

Saturday, February 25, 2006

MoreThanYou Can Give,a song about the reality of drunk driving

More Than You Can Give:My mother was killed-when she was nineteen-and I was less-than two years old--Oh I miss her still-though I've never seen-the love that I can guess-my mother showed--C:You've taken more than a womans life-a mother and a wife-you've taken love that would be mine-my childrens for all time-you've taken more than you can give-you've taken from our lives-what was in store that we would live-forever has been lost-This is the cost-this is the cost-V:A drunken man aimed-the car that killed her-and tore these lives-like some old rag--To kill and to maim-the pictures all blur-the holes I have inside-You can't give me back--C:Copyright1997Delbert W. Allegood.Related songs may be found at HTTP://journals.aol.com/whowhatim/Children Of The Dream

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Do The Puppets Smile,a song about the great contradiction that is China.

Do The puppets smile:C:Behind the faces that you see upon the street-are the minds of people living who would rather be as free-as the dead men who died tortured for the love to dare to speak--V:Do the puppets smile when you make them dance-will you stay awhile with your new romance-oh China do they really dance--will you build a wall to the China sea-can you keep them all when they want to flee-oh China can you make them dance--C:--V:Do the flowers grow on the heros graves-are there those of us who would be so brave oh China did they really dance-aren"t there things to fear even more than death-all that men hold dear is there nothing left-oh China will you make them dance--C:--FINALE:And oh China can you really make them dance.Copyright1993Delbert W.Allegood A related song exists at http://journals.aol.com/whowhatim/ChildrenOfTheDream/ A great shame on the fat old men who insure that the people of China see little truth.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Without A Color,a song started in1962,finished1994

When you start to thinking-you"re so much better than others around-you'd best realize that Christ the king-was born in a land of the real dark brown--and when you get to heaven-if that's where you'll go-what will you do then when you know-that your own white Christ was a real dark brown--yes would you turn around and show your back-as you do right now to the souls called black-do you think he'd forgive and could forget-that you couldn't live with a dark man yet--so it's not so smart to spend your days-hating a part of a human race-cause you might find out at the last call-we're all without a color at all--oh it might just be an illusion we see-only a part of a living dream-is it not about a greater scene-unfurling out to eternity--there's a soul within a face without-these bones and skin we'll shed no doubt-and for all this age in his own book-he'll turn the page;then how do we look--Copy right1994Delbert W. Allegood NOTE:there is no chorus.