Without A Color,a song started in1962,finished1994
When you start to thinking-you"re so much better than others around-you'd best realize that Christ the king-was born in a land of the real dark brown--and when you get to heaven-if that's where you'll go-what will you do then when you know-that your own white Christ was a real dark brown--yes would you turn around and show your back-as you do right now to the souls called black-do you think he'd forgive and could forget-that you couldn't live with a dark man yet--so it's not so smart to spend your days-hating a part of a human race-cause you might find out at the last call-we're all without a color at all--oh it might just be an illusion we see-only a part of a living dream-is it not about a greater scene-unfurling out to eternity--there's a soul within a face without-these bones and skin we'll shed no doubt-and for all this age in his own book-he'll turn the page;then how do we look--Copy right1994Delbert W. Allegood NOTE:there is no chorus.
I refer to the book to be opened on judgement day. Various religions believe various ways but,most believe our creator or his representative will lay our lives open and will disclose the good or bad news.The phrase has a quasi double meaning.Then how do we look in our soul,then how do we look in being so foolish as to not see that we may be only being tested with differences-How does one look after having a lifetime of predjudicial belief made moot? pls forgive the blog weirdness I'm new.Readers should click on dame of the word,especially those of african descent.He has strong valid points.We must first respect ourselves bef---Del
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