Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sniping And Reality

Europe,which has been quick to condemn Israel,in its defence of its soverienty,is having a hard time gathering troops for the job of securing the border.When the reality of death and maiming affects your own people,it provides a different enlightenment.Europe knows,when it is not pretentious and facetious,that the singular agenda of Hezbolla to kill Israelis will not change and that if nesessary UN troops will be attacked to meet that end.They can also be certain that if they are unable to contain Lebanese aggression,that Israel will take action and that UN troops could die in large numbers.Furthermore,it is a certainty that Syrias hatred of Israel will cause it to continue the funding and support of terrorism,attacking Israel from Syria and Lebanon,with UN troops in the middle, on that border also.Given the History of the UN, it is probable that a weak, ineffective "gesture only"deployment will be placed and UN troops will die.It is not beyond Syria to provoke a border incident and claim a reason for attacking UN troops with its own army.Yes,when you are faced with the horrors of dealing with such a people of hatred,it is far different from the secure sniping position.NPUBLICI

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Aggressor Nations

Lebanon is an aggressor nation.It has allowed attacks on its neighbor'Israel,a soveriegn nation,according to the major nations of the world.In that Lebanon did not cry out to the nations of the world for help in controlling people within its borders,when it could not control them,it is complicit and a defacto attacker;a violator of the soverienty of the state of Israel.That lebanon cried out for protection since Israel began defending its people,is only an indication that Israel was making headway toward elimination of the threat.The showing of" victims"of Israel in lebanon,for the most part only portrays the apparent stupidity of those who could leave,and the lack of compassion of government and fellow citizens for those who could not leave on their own.Those people were warned as no other nation has ever or would ever warn of an impending attack.How much warning has the innocent of Israel ever been given?Israel has always kept to its word and does attack,even though they know that warning the population, will allow the enemy to militarily prepare .Every nation has the obligation to other nations to control the people within its borders and their actions toward other nations.Every nation has the right to defend itself,including the incursion into a nation which cannot or will not control its population,and their hostile actions toward the defender nation.As surely as Libya was supporting terrorism,So also are Iran and Syria.Libya has been brought to an understanding.There is no oil, or price of oil, worth a drop of the blood of innocent victims of these people who cry out that they have that obligation to kill in the name of God. Let not the greed for cheap energy determine our foriegn policy to that extent.NPUBLICI

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I do not believe we should have stayed in Iraq,past the time when Saddam Hussein was captured;if indeed, we should have gone there in the first place.The governing of Iraq should have ,long ago,been left to the Iraqis It is not a good idea to try to force our capitalistic,quasi democratic government on a people who have been victimized by our capitalists,draining their resources,and supporting despotic rulers who facilitated that plunder.The people of other countries whom have suffered far worse than any U.S. citizen,from unfettered capitalism,understand very well that money would be the only power in a copy of our form of government.In addition,the only thing Muslims want less than a rival faction of branched Islam to have any power,is an atmosphere where other beliefs would have equality before their government.Only a crushing blow,such as that delivered to Japan,at the end ofWW2,would change that veiw.Not many sane people would want that.I believed that,perhaps there was an arguement for attacking Iraq,based on the information given to me by my government.The most important segment of that, was the alqieda camp which Saddam allowed within his borders.After the war began I heard nothing more about it. Other reasons given for the war seem to have,in fact, no basis now.I do not know.I may never know.Many things are held secret from me.Even things which happened during our civil war are classified information.Things which were public information,have now been reclassified.I hope we can trust our elected governments integrity.I would rather trust people who claim to worship God and try to support his principals,than people who support sexual deviancy and the killing of unborn children.I have seen both worlds and know the folly of Godlessness.There is no eternal wisdom given to the Godless. NPUBLICI

Mel Gibsons Drunken Escapade

Why should anyone care what any drunk says,while he's drunk? What he says could have any source and be anything from his memory.It can be something he's read,seen,heard or thought;any combination or distortion of any,or all of those things.Why are people even discussing his drunken ravings.He's an alcoholic.He fell off the wagon.Much ado about nothing.How many cops,lawyers,judges,teachers,journalists,stocktraders and so on,have we seen,caught drunk driving and making total fools of themselves,with what comes out of their mouths?!NPUBLICI