Friday, February 09, 2007

Supporting The Troops

Upon perusing all the media,it seems that the hawks and doves have in common that most say they support the troops,and few of them actually do.The conservatives"got those entitlements"indiscriminately under control. Liberals thought fat people and drunks were victims,who ought to supported by a disability check,while my agent orange damage was not worthy of recognition,much less a disability payment.I have several organs seriously affected by the fact that,during 1965 we burned agent orange sprayed vegetation,and breathed the smoke, for three weeks in Vietnam.I have been in pain and sick a very long time.I finally was able to receive compensation for diabetes,now 115 dollars a month.That won't even cover my special diet costs.I am not alone and this is not new.There are ww2 veterans who only recently received compensation for several things.There are Korea veterans who for many years were told that their ,during combat,frostbite damage was nonservice connected.There are many people being denied their just due from Afganistan and Iraq service,because of political pressure against entitlements.How cruel Americans are in their uncaring apathy.Americans don't vote and don't intercede on our behalf.When Americans do vote, most will only vote for someone the media has touted as a winner.It takes money to support the troops;money for equipment to arm them properly and to protect them.It takes money to keep them and their families out of poverty.When they get hurt it, it takes money to help them.Buying a plastic yellow ribbon from greedy worldcorp won't do the job.In government,. money goes where the pressure sends it.Presently,because of Americas citizens refusal to be responsible and take control of their government,It goes to organized greed."Support the troops?"No,not even your own freedom, do you support.As in third rate countries,When military people have done their duty ,the people are done with them. Worse still,we have some people mistreating the young people who are serving now,and doing nothing about the government they disagree with.This is one of the stronger reminders of the pain of my Vietnam service.NPUBLICI